We are pleased to announce the release of OptiTune Version 3.0.
OptiTune V3.0 adds the following new features and updates:
- Geo Location – View the location of all your organization’s computers on a map, or view the city/state/country information for all computers in a tabular format
- Scripting – Upload scripts to the OptiTune management server, and deploy them to a group of computers, or a single computer. View the script’s output as well in the management console, or edit the script from your web browser. You can also upload any extra files or tools the script may need. Supported scripting technologies include:
- Batch Files (.bat, .cmd)
- Power Shell (.ps1)
- Windows Script Host (.vbs, .js, .wsf)
- Python (.py)
- Perl (.pl)
- Ruby (.rb)
- Bravura Settings Script (.bvs)
- System Tasks – Execute system tasks on a group of computers, or a single computer. System tasks include:
- Restart
- Shutdown
- Sleep
- Hibernate
- Schedule Disk Check
- Defragment
- Kill Process
- Start/Stop/Restart Service
- Dynamic Polling – client computers now poll the management server more frequently when an administrator is logged in, and less frequently when an administrator has not logged in for 1 or more days.
- Favorite Tasks – define a list of your favorite tasks (install, uninstall, script, system, etc…) and execute them directly from the computer details view page, with 2 clicks.
- Deployment History – view all deployment results for a task deployment, not just the most recent one. Or, view the entire deployment history for a single computer.
- Computer Connection Status – view the real time connection status of a computer on the computer details page
If you haven’t already signed up for OptiTune, try it free for your first year